I can't believe how tired I have become. But I thought I would post my new wiki on my blog before I forget that I did this.
BMHS Computer Apps Wiki
I enjoyed the 55 minute video of Richard Buckland, but I think I learned more practical stuff from the 2:45 minute video from wikispaces. I also learned from the 2:30 minute youtube video of Wikis in plain English.
I'll straighten this post out tomorrow.
OK. Tomorrow came and went. I've had more time to look at some wikis (which, by the way, are still a new concept to me). However, I can say this: I have wiki-envy. And I'm trying to fend off what Todd referred to on his blog as tech performance anxiety. I've looked at Ruth's wiki, and I feel like I'm at least several years behind her.
I think I am going to be either incredibly delighted or overwhelmingly disappointed when my wiki goes "live" in my classroom. I will try to incorporate some of the great suggestions that Buckland mentioned. One that I won't be able to use, though, is the practice of making the wiki part of the course from the first day. That opportunity is gone. However, young adults are very malleable, and I'm sure there will be some marvelous students whose work will amaze both me and their peers.
ITC Conf 2019
5 years ago
It is tomorrow?
I'm not sure if it's tomorrow yet, or not. I'm somewhat confounded. I'm pretty sure tomorrow passed a few days ago. And I can't remember what I had in mind when I wrote the "My Wiki."
But, in a few moments, I'm going to read what I was supposed to write about, and then revisit my post. Isn't Web 2.0 wonderful?
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